Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Already a diver?

Wave Shape

Learnt to dive with another agency?

If you qualified with PADI, SSI, SAA or another agency, perhaps you’ve been anticipating getting back into the water and you’re not sure where to start? If that’s you, you’re in the right place…

The great thing about being already qualified (as well as hopefully having a passion for the sport already) is that it is easy to start diving with BSAC. Other agency qualifications are recognised (PADI, SSI, SAA, ScotSAC, NAUI etc) and no further training is necessary, unless you’d like to progress with more advanced diver training. You can just start diving with us on your existing PADI (or other agency qualification).

Haven’t dived in the UK?

If you haven’t dived in the UK before, we’d love to introduce you to UK diving, we promise you’ll be amazed! We can teach you everything you need to know at your own pace. We can help you with a little extra training if necessary – such as drysuit training. Haven’t dived for a while? If it’s been a while since you dived or did your training course such as PADI Open Water or Advanced Diver certification, we can help you refresh your skills. BSAC Scuba Refresher training is perfect for you if you haven’t been diving for a while and need to refresh your scuba skills.

What to do next?

Contact us to discuss your next steps. Current BSAC and Rhondda Scuba Divers Club membership is required for all club members.

Get in touch to arrange a visit

Contact us to arrange a visit or to come diving with us! Find out where Rhondda Scuba Divers Club could take your diving and social life!

Contact us
Visit BSAC.com